Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1757.04.18

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Index Entry By our brave ancestors two Henries fell [fl] 
Location Paris 
18 Apr 1757:22 (744)
London, February 1.  It is reported that the French ministry
have forbid all communication with England by way of letter,
through Holland, or any other country, by which, some
conjecture, that their King is not in so good a way of
recovery as has been given out.
  Likewise, that he had warning some weeks since to take
care of himself, by a paper laid under his plate on a table
in the room where he was to dine; and it may be remembered,
that in the year 1751, the following lines were fixed up at
the louvret one of his palaces:
  By our brave ancestors two Henries fell,
  A victim one to freedom, one to God.
  Lewis! by servile flattery taught to swell,
  Thou tread'st their steps, and shak'st the tyrant's rod.
. . . [2 more lines]

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1757.04.18 
Publisher Parker, J., and W. Weyman 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1757 
Bibliography B0026453
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